ProductsHorizontal MarkingRoad Line PaintDouble Component Road Line Paint and Applicat

Double Component Road Line Paint and Application

Double component road line paint is a cold road line paint which comprises the combination of methyl metacrylat based resin and the compound of pigments and filling agents. The double component road line paint is applied to the application surface as cold. The required ambient temperature for the application of double component road line paint is between +5 C and +40 C, and its useful lifetime is more than 3 years.

The double component road line paint is resistant against ultraviolet beams due to its additives, and it is also stabilized with filling materials. Another important issue is that the double component paint can be manufactured in any color according to the requirement.

Material composition

Double component paintis formulated according to the following data.

Binder 18-25%
Pigment 7-10%
Confection Material
Filling Agents and Aggregate 65-70%

Other Conditions

1.The paint shall be applicable to the road between (+5C) and (+40C) degrees Celsius, and in any case it shall be placed on the road surface in a manner to allow for traffic in 30 minutes.

2.The paint completes all chemical actions and takes its final state within 30 minutes.

3.The paint is neither affected from NaCI, CaCI2 and similar chemical agents used for snow fighting on the road, nor from the lubricant and fuel drips following on the coating due to regular traffic.

Application areas:

Frequently used on urban roads, state roads, parking lots and road and express roads. Recommended for use on especially pedestrian crossings, arrow, symbol, text and figure applications, offset lines, slowdown and warning lines, and speed limiters.


Manufactured in accordance with state roads, international road and TSE standards.

Color Options:

Double Component Road Line Paint can be manufactured in any color desired.

The double component road line paint is received as readily prepared, and it is applied on the road after 0.4% catalyst is added. It can be applied manually or through a machine. The application is completed with the following glass granulate. The double component road line paint dries in 30 to 45 minutes on the application surface. At the end of this period, the double component road line paint becomes ready on the surface and it is opened for traffic.
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